
I am a very active reader of Aywren's Nook and they recently made a post about Blaugust. It's a general writing/blogging challenge for the entire month to encourage folks to blog more. Okay! I'm in! I have a very packed first half of my month, so hopefully I can fit in some short posts and then pick up into heavier swings halfway through.

I really enjoy this tiny spot on the web. Even if I am not updating often, I am thinking of it often. I hope that the few of y'all that see this are also having a nice time. I still want to customize what this looks like and feels like, but the zonelet bare bones are doing me well for the time being. I spent a couple days going through gifcities with random keywords and grabbing fun stuff. Maybe I'll update what this spot looks like this month too!

I have a couple short posts in mind about Something Rotten, the second Spiderverse movie, clowning and/or Commedia, some production woes for game dev, a retrospective on the book I just read about shortening the working week... There's a lot of ingredients, I just gotta start cooking.

Stay well,


Oh! Almost forgot to mention: I am no longer using Twitter. I look at tweets people send me, but I have logged out and do not plan to log back in save for the rare job post that is DM-exclusive. Adios, birdsite. Rest in pieces...